الاثنين، 11 مايو 2020

Google Translate

Hello all !
Today I will explain to you a treasure trove of the Internet It is an application that exists on Android and is also available on iOS Google translation application It is an application that is well known And where many useful where properties that we can use the application without the internet for some text For translation
Here are some pictures that help us understand the application

This is the app icon

This is the interface of the application

And the application contains several drawer properties, including the ability to make copies of text, so an instant translation icon appears with us

Also, we should point to a nice feature where you can write with a pen if you have one of your devices with you

But the most beautiful and dangerous feature available is the translation feature without the Internet, where you download the dictionary for any language Here are some pictures

Here are some other pictures

Application images on download platforms

To download the application

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